Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Updates on Family, Life and Everything

So, I have been chastised by many members of the family for my lack of communication... It is not that I purposely ignore you... just really busy thats all. Remember peeps, you can always try to call me....

Well, what is going on.

Declan is on his second field trip of the month. He is off for the WHOLE day today. First they are going to the port to look at ships. Then, on a train ride off to the airport. After looking at the airplanes all day... they are going to come home, tired and full of stories to tell around 5pm.

Stories for Declan aren't too involved at this stage. He still is pretty quite, but we are now at the point where with coaching he will tell us what he has for lunch at school. He also knows his address... 93 Cashew Heights. He also knows how to tell the taxi driver where his favorite coin operated rides are, as well as the restaurant that sells milkshakes and "cookie man". Cookie man, for those who aren't in the know, are actually gingerbread men, with m&M buttons and eyes. My children are future sadists as they take great joy in exclaiming "OH I ate his EYE"... or "oh no, I ate his foot".

Anyway, Declan will be evaluated for speech again (nothing like EVERY FLIPPING PERSON FAILS TO ACCEPT THE PRIOR EVALUATIONS>>>>) anyway, that will take place on Friday. His first session... that will be OCtober 4th.

So, Kiera. Well her favorite things to say now are... thats mine, I don't want it (or more correctly in her language "I no wann it"... and wheres my binkie. I love 2 year olds.

Love to you all


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