Tuesday, July 26, 2005


In a continuing quest to organize my craft supplies, I am also getting rid of some old stickers and supplies I no longer use. The problem is that I have a small supply (compared to many) and I really want to expand my art work... not reduce it. One of the key issues is the storage for all of my fibers (for the Far Flung Craft Business). Plus I really like the thought of being a Mixed Media Artist. The problem is I live in 1500 square feet of poorly planned apartment with my husband, my two kids, my nanny and my two pets. I also work for a major international MNC, from a 8X10 room in my house. This room also serves as the guest room/storage room and studio for my art/crafts.

SO... how do I survive? I actually need to accumulate more stuff for Far Flung Craft I have some really new fabric that I want to make new Frou-Frou kits with. The problem is I fear that this fabric will be a hit (not a bad problem I know) but I worry about supply. SO... How do I solve the age old dilemma of storage?

I will get back to you on that....


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