Thursday, January 12, 2006

Its about time!

From Treehugger

The World's Largest Solar-Powered Sustainable Community

The US Army and Actus Lend Lease have plans to build the world's largest solar-powered sustainable community on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. The construction of 5,388 new homes, renovation/restoration of 2,506 residences and the creation of 10 community centers will cost US $2.2 billion dollars and will produce seven megawatts of photovoltaic paneling, providing approximately 30% of the community's electrical needs. The second-largest such solar community, the Sydney Olympic Village, had less than one megawatt of photovoltaic power installed.

Makes sense to me. I always wonder why we don't see more solar down here in the tropics. Singapore would be a great place to install solar panels, use some renewable energy or at least reduce the dependence on other forms of electricity generation in the area.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Christmas Kitty

As promised a few pictures of the new kitty.

Her name is Christmas, she was a stray found here at Cashew Heights. we are taking her into the vet tomorrow for her spaying appointment. When we found her she was probably about 3-4 months old. She had ringworm on her neck, so she spent the first 3 weeks isolated with little contact with the family and other pets. We also assume that she is pregnant as she is now a bit thick through the middle- but hopefully the spaying will not hurt her even if she is preggers.

She is a wonderful loving kitty. Lots of play with this one. Plus, she is small enough Kiera can carry her (as Sedona is probably at her all time high fighting weight!)

Anyway, enjoy.

P.S. Notice she is really very brindal colored and her back and tummy really look tiger striped. Plus she has yellow eyes. Very pretty indeed :-)
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