Saturday, February 24, 2007


The hardest part of returning home from vacation for me has been to get out of the vacation and I can go to target mindset. I love Target, I had a real struggle being in the US because it was so EASY to go to Target... and the shiny baubles just screamed BUY ME!

Now, I think I did pretty well and only fell off the wagon for myself by the way of a couple of magazines and shirts, it is the coming back to Singapore and NOT SHOPPING that has been harder. I have signed the contract for my book deal and so now the "excuse" is I can use this scrapbook supply for the book. I will use the paper and embellishments I am sure, they are Asian themed and appropriate. I have been doing a fair amount of scrapbooking. But I should be focusing on the writing portion, I should be using the supplies I ALREADY HAVE and those I PURCHASED in America for that reason.

Shopping has become such an ingrained portion of our culture both here in Singapore as well as in the States it is hard to break out of that rut. Jeff had 350 dollars worth of gift certificates from Takashamaya department store that he wanted to use. He went down and bought some shoes.... and I chose not to go into the store with him. He then bought a paring knife and some wine glasses (which I didn't think we needed, but it is his money)... and still had 100 dollars left over. I don't want to see him buy stuff we don't need or want, but he feels obligated to use the certificates. I don't know, maybe we will "regift" them.

Today is the County Fair at the Singapore American School. They have a huge used book sale so I may go find some books that I would like to read, buying used is within the Compact pledge. Other goals for the weekend are to finish my invoice for both work and the book and get some money into the account so that I can do some budgeting. We are back to one income for a while and have to prepare for Declan's tuition again.

Finally, on a parenting note, Declan has been evaluated for additional resource services at the American School. I don't know what they have determined to be his deficiencies yet so we meet next week with all of the counselors. I am torn, I don't want to deny his need for additional assistance, but I worry that he will be labeled.... I guess we just have to wait and see what happens. The next decision is whether to hold him back in Kindergarten one more year... and have him start 1st grade a year later or push him on. More on that after our meeting next week.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

More Disney Pictures

Kiera and Pluto.

Delcan meeting Lighting McQueen (Kiera would not leave the side of the car!!)

Pictures of Mexico

The Bay of Conception... Baja California Sur, near Muleje.

Back to real life

Vacation was great, CHA (the trade show I attended in Anaheim) was great, full of inspiration... I am now filled with ideas and dreams about where I want to be and go over the next year. The Compact pledge took a minor hit while in the States, but overall I think I did well. I had "preapproved" myself to shop for supplies for my book. I spent around 600 dollars on scrapbook supplies that I then mailed to my design team members. This is all JUST paper and supplies for projects to be used in the book and while a good portion of paper went in my stash as well, it is earmarked-specially set aside and intended for the book.

Target however I have determined is evil. I love that store, its displays, its design the items it carries are just right up my alley. I think they did it on purpose. We went into Target to buy socks and undies for the kids and ourselves and it was EXTRA hard not to buy all of the pretty household items, cool funky supplies-to avoid the dollar lane, but I walked out with only the stuff on the list for the kids and 2 shirts for myself. I could argue that I needed the shirts as I did not have enough longsleve shirts, it was colder in LA than in Singapore yada yada yada, but truth be told those were slips off the compact pledge. I also bought 2 magazines.

The hardest part, believe it or not, was coming back to Singapore and not shopping here. We are stuck here with a long holiday weekend and while I should be working on the book I bought another magazine (told you where my weaknesses lay)....I have also found myself wandering in stores wishing wanting to buy.... Other than the magazine I have been strong, but it was hard. I really am impressed with those compact members who have been able to completely do the pledge. But, no recriminations... now it is just back to it and on to another day here in S'pore.

In the meantime I will share a few pictures of Mexico and Disneyland for your viewing pleasure.
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