Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Ok, with the last few weeks being in the shitter, I am glad that is all over, I am trying to get back on a positive mind wave. Generally, I think of myself as an upbeat-outgoing-positive person. This is hard to do when you are stressed out and under a lot of personal and professional pressure. I basically almost let my little craft business wither on the vine because the rest of life was being right up front in my face and pushing me on all sides.

Anyway, trying to get back on the optimistic train, so I started to read Iyanla Vanzant. Wow, that woman had a lot of crap on her plate before she got it together. Sometimes I wanted to reach through the page and just slap the woman for doing the same stupid things again and again, but then I think she writes it that way. She wants you to see that she, just like the rest of us, is full of day to day BS that pushes her in the direction that she needs to go, or towards a lesson she needs to learn. I am not sure where my lesson is in all of the last few months, but I am sure I will find it.

But, in her book Yesterday I Cried, I read a quote that is probably the most true thing I have ever read. I read it and said, YES, that is it! That is so absolutely right on the money. So, here is the quote:

"There is something magical that occurs when a woman turns forty. She becomes more attractive in a sensual and seductive way. It's not that her body gets better, but I think she becomes more comfortable with her body and knows how to maneuver it better. At forty a woman's eyes begin to sparkle. Not with lust or excitement, but with wisdom. She has seen some things, done some things, and learned some things that show through her eyes. At forty, although there are some things on a woman's body that lie down, at the same time, other things stand out. They become clear. A forty-year-old woman finds her voice, gets her vision and her footing. When I turned forty, I became too old to try to be somebody else, so I stopped trying.

As I thought about it, I realized that I didn't have any sense at all until I turned forty. At twenty three, I thought I had all of the answers. When I turned forty, I realized that I had no idea what the question was."

Here's to finding the question and celebrating my age.

1 comment:

venitha said...

Lovely quote. Thanks for posting this.

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