Thursday, October 25, 2007

Back Home

And tired, life is full of such unexpected turns it always keeps you guessing!

So, I got back from Dallas at 2:30am a week ago Monday. I had 4 meetings the following week, I finished the manuscript (save chapter 6 that needs a small edit) and started house hunting because we have to move by Dec 1st.

This week I have had 4 meetings, have another meeting tomorrow but at least the papers are here. I hope they clear customs today and are delivered to Faye's (our temporary warehouse)....

Top it off, I have a cold. YUK :-(

Ah, I knew it would happen, when I have so so much going on my body just shuts down. So, I think I will go take a nap this morning and get up again around 11 and try again.

1 comment:

b said...

Kristy! P and I were JUST talking about you guys this morning and wondering how we could make it happen to see you! He's down there every couple of weeks and will try to call if he has a spare moment. We are thinking...a family trip to S'pore by Jetstar...? When Sadie is bigger....

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