Thursday, May 08, 2008

Totto Chan, Dallas Texas and book love

I just finished this fun book. Translated from Japanese, the story is of a young girl in a non-traditional school in pre-WWII Japan. The stories, recollections really,of Totto-chan's life (real life Japanese TV personality) are great reminders of the life of a child. The school sort of a Japanese Waldorf like school, taught children in a self lead, subject based education. The focus on stories, song and nature. The focus on learning from doing rather than learning through memorization is a great lesson, particularly when we look at what has happened to education in the US as a result of the no child left behind movement. The book is about loving childhood, enjoying yourself, learning from life-both good things as well as the sad.

Here is the book, worth a read for everyone... and an interesting note, the book is being read by educators in Japan as part of standard practice. Now, only if it was read and shared around the rest of the world...

OK, so I am in the great state of Texas. Working, editing text and waiting to meet up with friends tomorrow night. I have a huge stack of books I have ordered from Amazon and I can't wait to get....

OK, so I had a widget crashed, as will I... it is time for a nap...


Edleen said...

say hi to Texas! :)

i've got the book and it's a great read :) see you when you get back.
Take care!

Jennie (Jenn) said...

can i borrow the book?

and Happy Mother's Day

...catch up when you are back...

take care!

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