Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Porch Garden and Dumpster Diving

As a few of you will recall, I planted (ok the kids planted) a few seeds on Earth Day. We planted catnip (which all sprouted and then was promptly eaten by said cat); lettuce (a total washout); and Eggplant which has grown like crazy. even with trimming and selecting the best and brightest, I still have 6 healthy plants... so I need more pots!

Also, I love living in Asia, please people don't ever get into the habit of donations of used goods, continue to throw perfectly good items away so that I can take them home and make them my own.

Jeff and I found two perfectly good wooden drawer/file cabinets with marble tops. The bottom drawers had been taken apart, but all the wood was still there. If I get a digital camera I can show you all how excellent the condition is and how this was a steal!



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