Thursday, November 09, 2006

What we do right...

I am thinking about what steps I take here that reduce my footprint, that allow me to get in touch with my simple life leanings and what I can do to further reach my goal of leaving the world a bit better than when I came.

1. We support candidates in the US that are pro-environment, pro-women's rights, peace supporting candidates, we vote in every election even as absentee voters. We feel strongly that as US citizens it is our duty to vote even if we are not currently in the US.

2. I work from home. I only go to the office once a week for meetings

3. For the last 7.5 years we have not owned a car and we rely on forms of public transportation to get us around.

4. We do not own a microwave, we wash dishes by hand, we line dry our clothes.

5. The children eat almost all of their meals cooked at home.

6. We buy local produce when ever possible.

7. We don't buy much convenience food, we prepare most of our meals at home.

8. We recycle our cans, plastics, glass and newspaper. My office paper is still an issue.

9. We live with 5 people in a small house.

10. We are not (Generally) consumers of junk for pleasure.

Where I think we (or I) can do better.

1. Take the bus to the office on the days when I have to be in town, rather than a taxi.

2. Stop purchasing magazines. This is my biggest weakness, the glossy finish (even those printed with soy on recycled paper) grabs me and I can't help but buy them.

3. Eat more meals at home (Jeff and I). While the kids eat 99% of their meals at home, Jeff and I tend to eat out more. Jeff eats lunch almost every day out and I tend to eat out when downtown. We do go out to dinner about 1 time a week. I can help Jeff by packing lunches for him.

4. Find a way to recycle my office papers and go paperless when ever possible.

5. Not buy scrapbook/craft stuff until I have used what I have. Make do or do without. (this may be an exception to the Compact pledge I am working on if the book deal goes through).

6. Buy more local produce and support the local organic farms here again.

7. Travel lightly when on business travel and try to make better choices about my business travel.

8. Find and source alternative goods in Singapore, like Dr. Bronners soap.

9. Drink less Diet Coke. Um, ok, this is just an overall health thing... we all drink too much pop in our home.

10. Come up with my guidelines for the Compact Pledge and a start date for the Pledge.

While this is no means an exhaustive list, this is just what I think I can do that will make a small impact.


Noixcoco said...

"Eat more meals at home"
Why is this an objective? What is better for the planet when we eat at home?

Emme said...

I like your list! re Office paper - I often reuse my office paper for notes. I cut the paper into quarters and use hte back side.

Another option is to make paper :)

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