So, the desk is 90% clean. I recycled probably 30 magazines keeping only my Backwoods and Mother Earth News. I also got quite a bit of the craft desk done. Not all, but a fair amount.
Today (Generally Tuesdays are going to be food days on the blog), I am looking at food. I am doing a mini-detox and over the last few days I have been very conscious of what I am eating. I have eaten only veggies save 3 cheese tortellinis and only had one cup of coffee in the last 3 days.
One of the goals today is to go through my cabinets and start planning a stock up and use campaign.
Another thing I want to do is to start looking at labels and cutting out as much of this evil product as possible. Key areas that I think I can get are some of the few "prepared" foods that we use like Syrup and Ketchup. I will let you know what I find after I organize the pantry.
I am fascinated by this post over on New Dream about living HFCS free for a month. Looks much harder than most people think....
Also, I am setting up a delicious list for all of my simplicity/homesteading/frugal sites. I was inspired by Down-to Earth's post on organizing. I realized that many of my ideas are on the web in one form or another and I continue to lose track. This is my start of organization on that front. Check it out if you are interested. Homesteading/Simplicity links.
Peas and carrots~
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